Improving the health and productivity of your workplace is key to a healthy growing business!

Work station assessments and Occupational Health Physiotherapy Services are the first step to achieving a healthy and productive workforce. Here at The Physio Clinic Bristol we can help you achieve this by providing a variety of services.

Individual Physiotherapy Treatments at our Main Clinic

Treatment will be at our Main Clinic at Riverside Leisure Club. Click through our services to see what we offer.

  • Assured treatment within 5 working days of referral being received at the clinic
  • High quality bespoke treatment
  • Only pay for what you use
  • The level of service can be altered through regular contract review meetings and monthly managerial reports

On-site services

We can be based at your workplace on an agreed day(s) to suit your needs.

Benefits of an on-site Occupational Health Physiotherapy services:

  • Significant reduction in sickness absence
  • Reduces the time needed for your workforce to travel to access treatment
  • More cost effective for organisations with larger sites

Workstation Assessments at your Workplaces

Keeping your staff fit and healthy whilst working at a desk is beneficial and we can provide two types of workstation assessments.

Simple workstation assessment:

  • Suitable for employees without pain or disability
  • 30 mins risk assessment conducted at an individual’s workstation
  • Report detailing any suggested modifications

Advanced workstation assessment:

  • Suitable for employees with musculoskeletal pain and symptoms
  • Clinical history taken in private room
  • Workstation assessment and task analysis
  • Seated postural analysis
  • Comprehensive report of findings with suggestions made for ergonomic solutions
  • Duration one hour+report

Some of our current and previous clients

A large Aircraft Manufacture in North Bristol 

Contract secured in 2010 to present day. We offer on-site Physiotherapy, DSE and ergonomic assessments to onsite employees at the Filton Site.

Centaur Foods

Bristol based food packaging company. In clinic support offered to staff since 2023 as part of the company’s employee wellbeing programme.

GE Oil & Gas

Sports Massage service provided on-site for staff members. Staff members self-fund the treatments.

If you are looking to provide enhanced benefits for your staff and to improve employee well-being, productivity and occupational health, then please contact 01454 54 00 66 and arrange a meeting with our company Director to see how we can help.